2 Nephi 1–5
We Lived after the Manner of Happiness

Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever.

2 Nephi 1:7

There were a lot of different threads this week that peaked my interest. I picked this verse after watching the pure idiocies of the impeachment trial of President Trump. At this point I question that any of the people on either side off the issues have solid ground to stand on. The whole mess stems from the mess we are already in and it keeps getting worse. Good is called bad and bad is called good. What is the tipping edge when this kand will become cursed and our liberty be taken away.